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Porth Autorithy
of Vigo

Association of shipagents and stevedores of Vigo, Marin and Vilagarcia de Arousa


The strategic geographical situation of Vigo, where lies the central office of Cortegoso & Co., has transformed this city into one of the more important harbours in Europe, mainly on the frozen and fresh fish traffics. Here originate on many occasions conflicts which require an adequate legal advice.

The Shipping department of Cortegoso & Co. has provided legal advice for many years to numerous companies related to the maritime world such as ship-owners, shipbrokers, stowers and fishing companies.

The advising activity of Cortegoso & Co. to the shipping sector varies from contracts of carriage, charter parties, seizure, claim of rights, finance of ships, insurance of maritim transport, gerenal
average, shipping mortgage.

Our close relationship with the maritime world has meant that Cortegoso & Co. now gives legal advice to the Association of Consignatories and Shipping agents of Pontevedra, and it also belongs to the National Commission of Advisors of the National Association of Companies Consignatories and Shipping Agents (ANESCO)